
As I got thinking on my flight from Seattle to SFO, I couldn't help thinking of what I wanted to do for my New Years resolution. It seems that it's only afew days away, but so much still needs to be achieved. Rather than making a long list, I'm gonna go with a David Letterman Top 10 style. This should be fun!

1. Work on improving my career and finding the right path toward that goal.

2. My health: I have to admit that I've been pretty lazy in making sure that I keep myself healthy as well as getting my physical checkups more often. I would like to improve that this year.

3. More reading and writing. I know that I have potential to be a very good writer, but some days I don't push myself to improve that aspect as well as ask people for more feedback.

4. More outdoor actitives. Such examples are hiking, whitewater, running, walking in the park, go to the beach more often.

5. I'd like to write more often on my blog and increase my fans and readership. I know that this is something that will not happen overnight but I know that if I be persistant, I might be able to accomplish this goal.

6. Meet new people. I tend to get myself comfortable after meeting new people, but I contiune to forget that there's still more people out there that can change your life in ways that you never expect. Such should be the way of life...

7. Drink more water. This does sound kinda cheesy, but some of us forget how invaluable water is. I don't understand how we can put monetary value on water and the concept of bottle water really irkes me. Water should be clear and free for all...

8. I'd like to travel more, but with this economy, that seems to be quite far fetched. I already know where I wanna go, just got figure out how to get there.

9. Do something risky: skydiving, bugee jumping, or try to take up snowboarding.

10. Fall in love.

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