The People of Massachusetts has spoken.


The People of Massachusetts has spoken. While it is too early to tell why State Senator Scott Brown won, it is likely that the independent voters abandoned the Democratic ship. However, in the next coming months, we will discover how and why Democrat Martha Coakley lost this election as well as what President Obama might be doing to ensure another upset during his administration is kept at a minimum. While I felt strongly that State Senator Scott Brown would win the election, it was unbelievably close.  There is one thing that I must empathize strongly: this election must be authenticate and once so, Congress need to move swiftly to swear in Senator Brown. This is only the beginning...

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1 comment:

  1. Beginning of what?
    I ask this mainly because I feel as if the return to Republican leadership would only make the problem worse. While I abhor the idea of supermajority; however, when the other side refuse to consider the other side's proposal to the point of irrationality, it seems to be the only course of action.

    When I said point of irrationality, I mean invoking filibuster on every bill from major to minor (even going as far as to filibuster the otherwise uncontroversial vote on 2010 defense spending bill, if I have my dates right, November as one of many ploys to delay the vote on Health Bill)

    Brown railed against economic stimulus (that Bush started and would have continued if he was in the office), health care reform (that every President since Teddy Roosevelt said was necessary), and nearly every common sense practice that Obama has engaged in. In spite of how people perceive President Obama, he has taken a very centrist route thus far in his presidency.

    I would have no objection to democratic party losing their supermajority if there were signs of dialogue and rationality as opposed to the hyper partisan fight we are seeing today. Even Democrats weren't this bad when Bush was the president (granted- there were some high profile examples, but it was nowhere nearly as bad...)


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