Troubled Water: A Movie Review


What is a good alternative? How do we adapt to our ecosystem? Can we turn something that was man-made back into its' original state of ecosystem? Do we still need the dams? If we do not, then should we take the dams down? How much will it cost to bring the dams down? Can we make dams more accessible for salmon?  Alternative options are available such as alternative energy. Another possible option is can we engineer a feasible dam that would allow for salmon and other creatures to move upstream through the dams? Concerns of global warming, Troubled Water presented information that if we increased the amount of dams in the world, the average temperature in the world would increase by five degrees.  Another point is what are the trade-offs? Would it change our lifestyles or the lifestyles of other people? A question that also was raised is the question of whether or not the salmon would return to the original state of spawning?

In my opinion, I think these are all excellent questions as well as important questions that we should be asking ourselves. There is not a perfect answer for the following questions, however, I think that the more that we discuss the issue, the better understanding we will have of the issue. I think Troubled Water presented some excellent concerns, in which, they were able to present a minority viewpoint of the ongoing situation. What they believed, in the cycle of life, that without it, life and earth would not be complete. As with the question of tearing down a dam, I believe that it depends entirely on the situation of the surrounding community as well as the notion of how the community will be affected. I do believe that our main focus should be on the question: What is the best decision that is best for society as a whole?

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