[Google Fast Flip] Google Squeezes Flash into Chrome

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Google Squeezes Flash into Chrome

The move is part of an effort to let browsers and plug-ins interact more easily. By Erica Naone Adobe's Flash Player has come under fire from developers and companies who question its necessity, but the plug-in has just received a big vote of confidence from Google. This week, Google announced that its Chrome browser will come with Flash built in. And Google, Adobe, and another browser maker, Mozilla, have revealed plans to improve the way plug-ins interface with browsers. This could lead to better performance, security, and user experience for Flash and other plug-ins, say those involved. Flash is commonly used to add graphics, interactive features, video, and animation to websites. But users have to download and install Flash to make these features work, and they need to download newer versions to keep it up-to-date. Google now plans to bundle Flash with Chrome downloads, and to make it part of Chrome's automatic update system. This means users should always run the most recent, stable, and secure version. In the future, Google and Adobe plan to work on deeper integrated features, such as finding a way for Chrome's unique security system to work in conjunction with Flash. Plug-in...

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