Where did you get your !$-)@&+-?

 With U2 "Beautiful Day" stuck in my head, the initiative of the morning was a nice, hot shower, jeans, tight red shirt, India black shoes, a light grey sports jacket, and lastly, shades that would make all the characters in the movie, "The Matrix" jealous. I grabbed my black Adidas backpack and stepped into the rays of an ageless sun. 

As I waited for the bus, dressed in style, it dawned upon me that someone from a green Ford Tarus was asking me something very loudly, "WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE $@&-&#?".

I yelled, "Whattt?" and he yelled back,"WHERE DID YOU GET THOSE #@&$!&#?" and then he drove off since the light turned green.

It took me afew minutes to figure out what he was asking me...

"Where did you get those $&!@&?"

I tried from memory to read his lips...

Then it hit me. 

"Where did you get those shades?"

I can't help but smile.

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