Virgin America: A second time experience.


logo_VA As of right now (2:15pm), I am in the air at least 30,000 feet in the sky. However, as I am writing this, I must tell you that my second experience with Virgin America is a disappointment. We have been up in the air for at least twenty-five minutes and still to this second, there is no entertainment system available. No radio, no television, no movies, no flight tracking and just about no nada.

Before this flight, I was excited to try out some of the features that were available during the first flight in which I did not have the extra time to check out. I must report that during this flight I will be unable to do so. I had the urge to call a flight attendant to find out why they were experiencing technical difficulties to offer customers what they paid for what they expected to be available during the flight; however, I felt that they did not have the technical knowledge or understanding to explain to us why we were experiencing technical difficulties during our flight. I felt that these questions would be better suited for Virgin America to explain what went wrong during Flight VX961.

I do want to acknowledge that most customers during the flight did not seem to mind the technical difficulties that were on-going during the flight, but I did noticed that some customers were experiencing some disappointment that they did not have any other additional entertainment services available on the flight. As for me, I know that I’m lucky enough to have been flying on my life to know that you should always bring backup with you in case something does not go right (such as in this case). I brought my laptop to blog about this experience. I brought my iTouch to listen to music (which was also suppose to be provided by Virgin America). I brought books in case my electronics failed me (believe me, I’ve learned the hard why after 28 years of flying and I’m only 28!).

Virgin America, during this flight, it was my expectation that I would be writing some more rave reviews of my experience on my flight back to San Francisco, CA, but I’m afraid that I cannot do that this time. My heart does not like the fact that I had to write a negative review of my experience today, but I hope that significant improvements will be made now so that this does not happen again in the future.

Just one positive note: The service provided by your flight attendant(s) and pilot(s) has provided exceptional service during both of my flights and I believe that’s something that you should be quite proud of!

Actually, hold on, here’s one more to add on top of that: as I got to the end of writing this post, I noticed that my battery power had gotten low. I kept thinking, oh great, now how am I suppose to finish it? But then I remembered something…

I remembered that you provided outlet for additional power source for laptops, cell phones and etc! So I checked underneath my seat and viola!

Virgin America, you’ve just been saved by an power outlet!

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