

I have been featured by YourAM! If you don't know what YourAM, I should let you know that they are highly recommended and their service is excellent! In short, YourAM is a personalized public booking service that is free, or for amazing service, you can pay from a range to as little as $8 per month or as high as $40 per month (depending on the demand of service your organization/company needs). 

Young Thomsen is a blogger and works at a pet hospital. He provides a range of services that is of interest to him such as tutoring, blogging advice and etc. I am simply amazed at how proactive Thomsen is at selling himself and his services. Kudos to you Thomsen!
We have teachers/lecturers using YourAM to make appointments with their students. University research labs using YourAM to coordinate appointments with volunteers. We have computer service and repair companies using YourAM to make appointments with their customers. We are pretty surprised ourselves at how non-businesses and businesses alike are finding uses for YourAM in their own areas of need.
If you are also using YourAM publicly, feel free to share with us your URL in this article too!
Check them out and feel free to send them an email if you need to inquire more about their services!  

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