Basketball and Zip.


Who do you think will win the NBA Championships? Who do you think will win March Madness? Do you feel that the words that are said now matches the action of what was done then? Do you think that SC is the place to understand why what happened is what happened? Do you think that college basketball has ruined itself over and over again? Do you think that March Maddness this year is worth watching? Who do you think will be in the top 10? Who do you think will emerge as the best college basketball team of the year?

About Thomsen Young
Thomsen Young is the writer of this blog that has no name... .You can follow him +Thomsen Young or via Twitter @yadudesup.  You can also follow him this blog via Facebook.

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1 comment:

  1. Well, my opinion about intervention of Ukraine and Crimea by president Russia Federation Putin send his troops to Crimea territory for examining, watching, etc. Putin aware that Crimea does not have military, which insufficient soldiers and artilleries there. That why, Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych, stepped down while Ukraine rallies were clashes and then calm down. Putin did puppet on his own plotting such as Syrian, Iran, and Ukraine applications. He has been plot before Olympic begun so he need to find remained quietly during athletes competed. He also ordered his secret police to find extremist and rid of it before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

    I think, why Putin want to have invade Ukraine and Crimea which process continue without United Nation authorization. After his troop entered former Russia territory as Ukraine did. United Nation did approved about his announced, what ironic. He needs to have their lands and seas because needs to traffic as fjord and peninsula to his ally as Syria and Iran, etc.

    Uncertainly, Did Putin violated on international law which Untied Nation mandated issues. He did not intimidation about it. He is an intellect guy. What about Obama said, warning him ”do not intervention between Ukraine and Crimea”. He do not care what Obama stated. For example, in 1939, Hitler did ordered to send his troop to Poland and invaded which succeed without attacked each either that days. Poland surrendered to Hitler so quickly. That why, Putin has been great strategy while his duties as parliamentary for long time.

    Finally, I think that it would be happen cold war return as Cold War II quoted. Therefore, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and Secretary of State Jon Kerry were not expecting about cut on armed forces and costs before Putin ordered his troops to Ukraine and Crimea. Wait and see what our nation’s watchdog on Russia behaviors.


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