Life Running Out of Control: A Movie Review


If I was the editor of the New York Times, my headline for the next seven days would be "Monsanto is the biggest rip-off company that the world has ever witness and how they got away with it!". Granted, little too long, but I would still be able to to make my point. What Monsanto has done is the complete opposite of everyone's common sense. For thousands of years, farmers have been reusing seeds from last year harvest to grow new crops. This is simple common-Darwinian fact. Survival of the Fittest. But, no, humans, again, had to think that they were smarter than nature itself. Instead of Clash of Civilization we now have Clash of Egos between man and nature. When will it ever end?

I think one of the most interesting observations is that some people were for labeling and for a way for people to be able to track the product. If this could be done, I know that I would a somewhat happier man know that at least something is being done and at least we'll be able to gain some additional knowledge that Monsanto is not telling us. I also agree that to be able to do something about this is that we should stop relying on GMF and start eating food that are non-genetically engineered. Yet, one must assume  that even if we educated people or at least have them more aware of this issue, would people really stop buying GMF? Until there's more research, we can never really know. All we can do is just hope that it does. Or at least, put the companies in a economically viable situation where they would change their methods.

Watch the film below:

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