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Updated: The 10 Most Useful iPhone Apps for the Deaf: On August 12, 2010, I had guest blogger Andrew Hall, who also has guest blog...
The following timeline proves your biggest fears…
Sent to you by youngthomsen via Google Fast Flip : I love Google Chrome. Google Squeezes Flash into Chrome The move is part of an effort to ...
Dear Thomsen: If it's not too personal a question, what percentage of hearing do you have? What's your opinion on cochlear i...
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David Baughman 8 months ago I directed this for first time, short film about the Dentist, its jokes... American Sign Language, wi...
Question: what would do if you knew you had one hour to live?
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Updated: The 10 Most Useful iPhone Apps for the Deaf: On August 12, 2010, I had guest blogger Andrew Hall, who also has guest blog...
The 10 Most Useful iPhone Apps for the Deaf: The iPhone can be hugely useful for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community. As a smartp...
Note: On June 20, 2011, I wrote a post called Updated: The 10 Most Useful iPhone Apps for the Deaf , which was an instant hit. The post ...
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The following timeline proves your biggest fears…
For a start, I guess one should read the bill before they read the title of your blog
ReplyDeleteAnd can you tell me WHO will oversee that the written and electronic information will be written in a way that lists all communication options, organizations, and programs available to parents?
ReplyDeleteIf the state doesn't designate an entity of oversee and allow for a collaborative effort in this development, this leaves anyone with money to develop the materials. No one will be responsible for making sure the materials are balanced. The state isn't written into the bills oversight process. Read the bill.
If the information is not balanced, who do we report this to? The bill designated no one.
This bill was written by oral only proponents...look at the authors. They are backed by big bucks.
No reporting system..."no cost to the state"... REALLY DO YOU BUY INTO THIS????
Nothing is done for free. This allows the oral only groups to promote their programs through audiologists and other (for profit entities) who are out there to sell cochlear implants and Auditory Verbal programs AND do this without oversight and accountability. All they have to do is tokenly mention ASL, Cued Speech and Total Communication and they comply with the bill. If they don't, WHO is going to tell them to stop?? The bill says nothing about this.
Come the bill.
Good blog.
ReplyDeleteAll means exactly that, all. What part of 'all' don't they understand?
I also hear them complaining about not being asked (invited) to be part of the legislative process.
These people don't have any clues, do they?
One does not get invited. They don't call people out and take roll calls. They don't ask anybody to participate. The legislatures are 'big shots' and they do think and act that way. It is their nature and understandably so. They are busy people and have full schedule all the time. I know because I've been around them. It's the people that always have to knock on their door and pursue issues that they're covering. They are always forthcoming and willing to tell us everything we need and want to know. And yes they do listen, really. They are sincere people. But if one demonstrated political incorrectness then you can just go home. You're going to waste your time.
Not invited? It only tells the politicians that they are not SAVVY politicians. Not somebody to be reckoned with. Get the drift? You walk into a medical field and say something that does not demonstrate medical language and the rest of the doctors are going to immediately know how green you are. Walk into a business meeting and say something that does not reflect business language and they're going to know how green you are. It's no different in the politic world.
When will the deaf community understand this?
Solution? Have these deafhoodized people learn politics. Have them learn how a bill is drafted and get some training in this field, like I did. Only then will they begin to realize all the wrong things they've done.
And lastly, they complain about the big entities and big money behind the bill. Well, they're big because they did not waste time arguing among themselves. They tackled the tasks and got their business taken care of while we (deafies) argued ourselves to death.
NAD is older than AG Bell so no amount of excuses will ever excuse them for falling behind.
Good blog.
First of all, I was going to post the two edition of the AB 2072 bills from 2009 and March 2010 to dispute with Barry Sewer's vlog posting. I never had a chance of posting it few weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteWe will see the real difference between the Fall 2009 and March 2010 for the bill draft writing. After encounter the organized objections from the consumer-based organizations and advocacy groups of the deaf, Mendoza added the lame and pathetic word "ASL" to stem off the opposition which infuriated the deaf stakeholders much further for not allowing the bill to be put on hold and let the deaf stakeholders to sit down with the office of Mendoza along with the California Coalition.
If the past statistics on the reading and writing level among deaf youngsters to be used as an empirical evidence of why deaf kids should be not taught in the visual spatial language, ex. ASL.
We ought to remember that we are still reeling from the long-term effects since the Milan Conference and AGBad's evil suppressions of sign language uses and many school for the deaf hired the incomptent and unqualified hearing teachers whose seen deaf kids as "disabled", instead of whole human beings. Ever too many deaf audists shortchanged deaf students over year like deaf teachers with audistic attitudes whose happened to speak fluently and look down on deaf students with use of manualism.
The past research studies proved and proved and proved over years about why many deaf kids of deaf parents command the "above average" reading and writing and social skills unlike deaf students of hearing parents.
The real key is the early education intervention to get deaf kids to develop their language acquisition pretty early as possible before the pre-school enrollment.
Many deaf adults of deaf parents and other deaf scholars really want to see more and more deaf kids to be academically successful and lead very productive life than being part of the repeated cycle of destruction and systematic failures.
How come Barry Sewell aka Dr. Holism or Hoockam use ASL himself? Don't he want to see other deaf kids to do very well in writing and reading skills?
It's time for the reading/writing skills match between Ella Mae Lentz and Barry Sewell or David Eberwein and Barry Sewell to show who is really more intelligent and emotionally/intellectually balanced.
I understand every part of "all". But if there is
ReplyDeleteno oversight, noaccountability, and no transparency,
anyone with money can decide for themselves how
much they want to mention the other options
beside oral only.
You know this Mr Holism. So why don't you answer my
concern. You continue to blame other people
for not doing enough. Believe me they know the
political process much better than you know it.
Can you imagine if our president created a bill that
gave anyone with money the right to override
already existing systems without any accountability, oversight or transparency????
Come on read deeper into the bill. See who is behind it.
If the authors wanted collaboration on this ,
they would have invited everyone to the table in the
beginning. They DID NOT do this. Mendoza is
only inviting those who oppose the bill to discuss it with
him so he knows how to structure the rest of his ploys
to get it passed. This is how politics work.
The opposition has nothing to do with Deafhood, it has
EVERYTHING to do with sliding a bill past legislators
that allows for a free pass without any legal ramifications by an
oversight entity.
Come on read the parts of the bill that is " unwritten".
That is what will become the free pass
Quite devious, I'd say. Good article!
ReplyDeleteCheck out my latest post where I am able to show the real reason behind the opposition to AB2072.
This is another example of misinformed people blogging and vlogging on a topic that they have not taken time to research and find complete information on.
ReplyDeleteHolism, for example, is not a well known blogger and is not liked by the majority of the Deaf community in America. His comments and blogs/vlogs are often based on his own jaded opinion. Do you think he really took the time to talk with Ella, GLAD, NorCAl, ETC, to find out their concerns, thoughts, and processes? Do you really think he knows more about the political process than those who have worked with congress for years?
The bill is flawed, period. The politicians in California themselves recognized this, which is why they proposed amendments and recommended changes. If they could recognize this, why can't we? Instead, we waste time arguing with each other and pulling down those that are trying to ensure that the law is truly inclusive of all types of Deaf people and that all options are truly presented in a neutral way, as the spirit of AB 2072 proposes.
Several hours after I posted The Devious Misconceptions of AB2072, I have gotten some interesting criticism on this specific post. Guess what? Criticism is always welcome. Not only that, I’d like to take some additional time to address some of your concerns. The following post will be in Q&A format for simplicity sake and can be found here: The Devious(ly)Misconceptions of AB2072.