About me.


I always believed that friends and families know me better than myself; in other words, I rather have my life told by my friends and families. What does that mean? I rather not talk about myself, but rather, I prefer my friends and family tell how I lived my life (hopefully to the fullest!). Thus, I will leave this page for those who know me best and let them tell you the stories of a gentleman known as Thomsen Young.

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  1. Thomsen was named after his great grandfather on his fathers maternal Danish side of the family. The naame was given to reflect both his heritage and his place in the family. He is the first born of four brothers and has always been a caring role model to all of them. Thomsen is independent minded and determined to succeed in his own way. He loves to converse on any subject and finds the social intercourse to be both satifying and invigorating.
    A stellar athlete who set records in competitions few could match and a consciencious son who understands the importance of remembering special times in others lives.
    Thomsen is idealistic in his view of humankind and thoughtful in his politics, religion and sports teams.

  2. Thomsen is a hella cool swim coach. He really cares about us and has made our season really fun so far. Go BOD Swimming!!!!!

  3. Thomsen made going to the vet a comfortable experience rather than a frustrating communication ordeal because he signs! He always took time to chat with me about his life and my life. He was a real human being who was also professional. He facilitated communication between me and the vets. I really appreciated the hands-on personal touches that Thomsen brought to Banfield. My cats and I miss you! I'm happy that you're moving on to bigger and better things. You've already influenced my life in positive ways by posting blogs about iPad and iPhone apps for the deaf! thank you!


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