Oil on Ice: A Movie Review

Oil. I know that, quite frankly, I'm getting tired of hearing that word. Seems to me that it's been driving the world crazy. Not crazy, crazy, but crazy, crazy that we need to send some of these people to a psychic hospital and have them restrained. Seriously. All we hear all day long is "Oil will make your life happier" or "Blah Blah Blah". (Sorry for my un-Englishlike conduct). Granted, oil does have some very positive benefits, but in the end, the negatives of oil are overwhelming. Okay, enough of my opinions.  However, and understandably, many are skeptical of seeing a positive change from oil to alternative energy such as wind, solar, and other alternative energy that is available. It just has not become economically viable yet. Sad, but true. As with the oil spills, well, oil companies are not taking their position seriously. Meaning, they've become lazy in preventing oil spills from happening and making sure that any risk are minimized to the best of their abilities. Over again and again, we hear of oil spills almost every decade or so. You think every decade isn't such a bad thing eh? 

Well, shall we compare this to airline manufacturing companies. To this day, the average airline accident has been in the lowest year ever. Airline companies are held to one of the highest standards in the world. Ever inch of the airplane is test, examined, retested, reexamined, and retested again. Ever inch of that airplane is made sure that it is complied by all airline regulations. Now take this from this angle, if oil companies were held to a high standard has airline manufacturers, do you think we would have as many accident, or shall we say, "oil spills", today? In my opinion, no. But then again, it's my opinion...you're entitled to yours. Isn't it nice living in a democracy?

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