BART Mishap

Yesterday, BART experience some random act of strangeness. Apparently, the PG&E were working on the power lines and somehow fell on BART tracks between Oakland Coliseum and San Leandro station. Here's a brief report by SFGate: 
BART has resumed full service between the Oakland Coliseum and San Leandro stations after halting trains for nearly two hours because a utility crew knocked high-voltage power lines onto the tracks, agency officials said.
The problem was reported about 12:30 p.m. when a crew "unrelated to BART" was working on wires in between the stations, said BART spokesman Linton Johnson.
The crew was using a crane at the time, and at some point the crane hit the power lines, knocking them onto the tracks, said BART spokeswoman Luna Salaver.
Further details on the accident and the crew that caused it were not immediately known.
All train service was halted and buses shuttled passengers. BART resumed train service in both directions at 2:30 p.m.
The entire episode was strange since I was there when it happened. It was weird and annoying. Weird because nothing ever like that happened and it was annoying because we had to go on a bus with a load full of people.
Well, I decided against doing that. I decided to take a different route and not be in a crowded bus. Smart move. It saved me time and I was able to do the things I wanted to do in a comfortable fashion. What I didn't like about the experience is that when the announcement were made they do not have the capability to accommodate people who were deaf/hard of hearing and the announcement were only in English. This is the 21st century and the announcement should have been in all languages. Period. 

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