Whoops! Mark Zuckerberg did it again!

Yup. You read that right. Whoops! Mark Zuckerberg did it again! Even it if it was off the record and said by an employee, heresy, can be quite informative as well. Well, in my earlier post, Wired.com, wrote about an off the record with an employee. Check out the converstation below:

Also interesting is how this came about: Not in a proper article, but in a tweet by Nick Bilton, lead technology blogger for the The New York Times‘ Bits Blog, based on a conversation he says was “off the record” and which he may have confused with “not for attribution.”
“Off record chat w/ Facebook employee,” begins Bilton’s fateful tweet. “Me: How does Zuck feel about privacy? Response: [laughter] He doesn’t believe in it.”
 Ouch, indeed. It's get better. Today, Facebook top notch dudes, got to meet some very influential members of various staff of Congress to address the ongoing privacy issues and who do you think is specifically targeted the most? That's right.

Facebook officials today met with the staff of U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer, who has publicly called on the social networking site to tighten its privacy policies.
Facebook spokesman Andrew Noyes confirmed today's meeting and called it "a productive conversation."
 Well, we all hope that it was productive, if not, well, I hope that Mark Zuckerberg isn't singing, "Opps, I did it again!". Please, someone, delete that image from my delicate brain!

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