What's next for the American President?


Sometimes we need an event to open our eyes to new possibilities and might be in a position where it will put us in a position to be challenged. This is exactly where Obama is right now.

Mr. Obama called the election results "humbling." Indeed, there was no way to put a good face on a midterm result in which the Democrats lost at least 60 seats and control of the House, saw their Senate majority reduced, and lost 10 governors' seats.

"Some election nights are more fun than others," Obama said in understated fashion, just two years after his own historic election. "Some are exhilarating, some are humbling."

If history has given us any clues to what might be the next step: compromise might be the answer. Political collaboration will also be a wise move. I'm not sure he will be able to use the carrots and sticks approach, but then you never know considering his substantial experience now as a American President. His political maneuveribility will be significantly better than two years ago. I understand that when he entered in 2008 that it was going to be a challenge, yet, I honestly believe that the position he is in right now and for the next two years will be one of his greatest challenges.

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