Boycott The New Saigon Grill

So, I'm walking down Amsterdam Ave near 90th Street, black ice is dripping from above as construction is still present since the building in front of me is still being renovated. As I near the intersection, I noticed a semi-long line of people with posters of all kinds of colors. Struck me as odd. I mumbled under my breath, "What are these people doing here after nine at night?...who in the world would stand outside the infamous cold of New York City?" 

I was handed this. 

That's when it all made sense. Now, I do not live in NYC. In fact, I'm just here for afew days to remember what it was like being in snow. I'm not kidding. It's been three years since the last time I was in snow, touched it, or played with it! Okay, okay, I'm semi-kidding. I'm here as well to visit friends. I miss hanging out with good friends that happen to be living oh so so so far away! 

Anyways, back to the point. 

Apparently, since 2007, the old and new owners have not and still are not complying with current local, state, and federal labor laws. 

Because of this, through rain and snow, workers and supporters are still picketing five (5) days a week in front of the new Saigon Grill:

Over the past years, workers, students, elected officials and residents of the Upper West Side community fought to change work conditions. The delivery workers of Saigon Grill won their backwages and forced the boss to give up his restaurants to pay for his wrongdoing.  
The new owners of Saigon Grill had promised to set a good example in the community and comply with labor laws. But they did the same things as the old owner Simon Nget. The boss discriminated against older servers, when other servers protested, he fired all of them. When the delivery workers tried to form a union, the owners overstaffed the delivery department, cut their hours and retailated against those who supported the union.  
Through rain and snow, workers and supporters are picketing 5 days a week in front of the new Saigon Grill. We are demanding the owners to end the retaliation and idscrimination, end the age discrimination and ensure equal employment opportunity, reinstate the workers discriminated and retailated against, and comply with labor laws. 
For more information, check out Boycott The New Saigon Grill and the articles written on this subject, here, here and here.  

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