

Codie Rae, 5½, was 8 months old when she was dumped in the night box at Oakland Animal Services in July 2006, with a wire wrapped around a badly infected hind leg and instructions to euthanize her because she was in pain.
However, she caught a stroke of luck when the shelter crew saw something special in her and worked with a local volunteer veterinarian to save her life.
That was her first brush with luck.
Her second came earlier this year when she was chosen for Patrick Stump's video "Spotlight (Oh Nostalgia)," a song from his debut six-song album "Truant Wave" that has logged nearly 200,000 hits on YouTube since it was released less than three weeks ago.
The video shows children and adults excelling at the silly -- speedy cup-stacking and extreme pen-twirling -- and the truly amazing -- back-flipping off bleachers and doing jaw-dropping tricks on a BMX bike. The music is uplifting, the performances are uplifting, but some say Codie Rae steals the show.
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