An App Review: CC

Ah yes. Thank you very much! Your services will be remembered forever...
As you can see, I decided to see if Clear Caption would caption a phone call to a radio station that plays the radio when you call their number. (Which is the number above; yes, go for it, give that number a call and see for yourself). Yet, as you can see, I found myself a lazy captioner Or maybe just not amused with the service they were giving in the first place. Nevertheless, I could care less. You'll see why..
As you can see, I decided to call a radio station via the number at the top and they captioned word for word. I called the number for AP NewsPulse and the captioner did an excellent job. I didn't want to hear all of the news since I was only testing this, but as you can see, I got the new using my phone and this app to understand what's being said even thought I might not understand word for word what the radio announcers is actually, I don't ever have to worry about that. Feel free to check out Clear Caption and let me know what you think! :-) 

Clear Caption Website
 Get Clear Caption for Android: 

Get Clear Caption for iPhone:

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