Unregulated. Unreal. Unfollow. Period.

I'm going to try an experiment. Maybe it might be the first of its kind. I've always wondered what way would be the best way to get the fastest pageviews on a blog. Or in other words, how do you get traffic to your website or blog? With Google being, what's the word...King. It's hard to get content that people just love. It's harder to get them to stay on your website for longer than 30 seconds to five minutes. I'll blame the short attention span on medication for people who have short attention span. Or really, I just blame technology for have instant access to everything. There was a day when it was important to read everything in the newspaper, but now, everything is summarized in 120 characters. I swear to G-O-D, if the greatest writers were here, I think they would think that our generation is just suffering from pure maddness.

So here goes...wait for it...you really want to read the rest of the article? Well, people, as of this moment, and no, I cannot write this in less then 120 characters, Bitcoin is on verge of collapse. In all honesty, it was a semi-thought out idea, but, where's there's crime, well, every dirty little secret gets out. Fine by me, Bitcoin sounded so, well, how would Dr. Sesuss put it? Actually, nothing. Bitcoin started too much excitement way too fast and was gaining popularity way too fast, the security measures were just way too weak and not very well thought out. If they do collapse, it will be the best thing for most currencies in the world. 

Unregulated. Unreal. Unfollow. Period.

What's the best way to describe what's happening to Raymond Felton of the New York Knicks? How about this? He doesn't have to worry about Gozilla ruining his future! The first was was plainly unrealistic, I can't even imagine how bad the second one will be. I mean, really? You had to use the Statue of Liberty from Las Vegas? Okay, thank goodness LV has a what you do in LV stays in LV...that is unless you get caught like Raymond Felton did!

So, if you're in for the entertainment news, that's been on fire this week. In fact, Seth Meyers is the talk of the day, week...I hope that turns into months...right? Nobody really knows. What to say about the show? Zip. Too early to confirm. Yup, just play it like on election voting day, give it another month, and you'll really know how people feel about this show. Speaking of feeling it, well, some are feeling it hard with the passing of Harold Ramis. He passed away from vasculitis. Most of us have no idea what vasculitis is. Thus, I think it's a good time to educate the American public.
Vasculitis is a blanket term for a diverse group of disorders that all share one common trait: inflammation of the blood vessels. This inflammation can result in the total blockage or narrowing of the blood vessels, and can also cause an aneurism – or a ballooning of an artery.  ~Fox News
RIP Harold "Ghostbuster" Ramis

About Thomsen Young
Thomsen Young is the writer of this blog that has no name... .You can follow him +Thomsen Young or via Twitter @yadudesup.  You can also follow him this blog via Facebook.

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