5:00 am. 

Being new to teaching 3-D Printing is quite the journey. With little experience, coming up with a new curriculum to teach 3-D Printing is a daunting task. To add more on top of that, teaching 3-D printing to kids with learning disabilities is even more daunting. When you teach at a private K-12 school, while the classroom ratio is extremely small, the task of individualizing a student class work is still challenging when you have several student who are outliers within the classroom. Here’s an example, you have a student who has low functioning skills, a student with high functioning skills, a student who is on the Autism Spectrum, how do you explain on every level what the “The Design Process” is before start making 3-D prototypes?

You realize that everyone has a different learning style. That’s the answer. You use visual. You have handouts. You write things on the board. You have it up as a powerpoint. You let them draw. You let them talk it out.

You also have to do your research. You have to look into a curriculum that’s not too advanced, but not too low for the advanced students. That’s where City X Project comes in.

City X Project is making teaching the first two weeks of 3-D Printing easy for me and for my students. The first day, we completely focused on “The Design Process” and incorporated fun workshops where they learned the tools to adapt, empathize, collaborate, and innovate. They saw videos that demonstrated how 3-D is applying to real-world challenges and how modern thinkers and inventors are helping citizens deal with real-world challenges.

The workshop has an engaging story that helps give the students content into 3-D.

City X Project has a great curriculum guide to help you guide through the process with ease. However, if you’re new to 3-D Printing, it is highly recommend that you read the guide afew times to know when you might have to go back to something if the students get confused or if you get confused yourself. Even myself, I missed some minor details, but after double checking, I was still able to answer all of my students questions.

What is also terrific about this curriculum is that it is also aligned with STEM, 3D Technology and Common Core Standards requirements. This is excellent since many school are adapting Common Core Standards into their curriculum and since they already have it, you don’t have to go through the entire Common Core Standards to find it.

City X Project has some great outside resources that you can use for 3-D Modeling such as mentioning Tinkercad, 123D Designs, and others! They also have a great FAQ section in their workshop guide and additional resources for you to add on your 3-D curriculum.

City X Project can be integrated into other subject(s) such as History, Language Arts, Science, and even Math!

If you have already used City X Project, I would love to hear back from you on what worked, what didn’t worked, and what you think City X Project could build on to make this curriculum even better :-)

One of the new courses that I'm teaching this year is 3-D printing. I am extremely excited about this since I think this will be a great opportunities for our students to learn a course that has every thing needed for STEM requirements! I'm not sure how this class will go, but what I plan on doing is documenting this class as much as I can and share my experience with you and you can use what I've learned educate yourself and/or share with others! Feel free to check out this presentation and if you have any questions or want to leave a suggestion, just leave a comment!

The pistols are coming out from all angles. The question marks are looming upon you. The dreams, each night, gives you headaches. Maureen Dowd of the New York Times is starting to second guess you by using satire by using Abraham Lincoln speech and do a lazy DJ mixology of your shortcomings.   Do I really care? Yes and no. 

The problem that I'm having right now is that the concept of you being a loner in the Oval Office is, well, not what expected. What I expected for was someone to bring this nation together. What I expected for was for someone to give the United States, one of the greatest countries in the world, the confidence its needs to be great again. Yet, ISIS happened. Then, Ferguson. Then Ebola. Then, Putin. Then Chinese fighter pilot decided to be the next Top Gun. 

Yes, this is your second term. But you need to understand that some of the greatest presidents did some of their most iconic stands during their second terms. I don't have to remind you who they are. Can I safely assume that to become President of the United States that you have studied some of the best POTUS and what they did in their second terms to be successful? You need to remember that Congress is your best friend. You need to remember that the Supreme Court is your best friend. As a professor of the Constitution, you need to remember that going the Founding Father "worked together" to find a common ground. 

So help me help you to Golf better. For Maureen Dowd forgot to understand that Golf is a game of patience. Something that she has long forgotten to tame herself to understand. 

Yes, I am disappointed that you didn't do better to save an American journalist from being beheaded by ISIL. Yes, I am disappointed that you sent Eric Holder to save face for Ferguson. But, that doesn't prevent me from believing that you can do better. Actually, I'll be more personal, I was piss off that you let ISIL behead an American journalist. And I know that hundreds of thousands of American like me feel that way. I also know that you have the great might of the American militarily who are equally piss-off as I am about ISIS. These great American men and women want a leader to lead them to show ISIS that they don't know who they are messing with. 

Why isn't it that now the Islamic State is painted as a greater threat to the United States than al-Qaeda? Why has it come to the question now?? The answer seems to be that you are starting to turn your back against your most senior foreign policy and military advisers. Why?  

Are you being cautious? Are you trying to kill two birds with a stone? Or are you just burned out? 

The New York Times Editorial Board has called out on you about ISIS. In fact, they believe that defeating ISIS will require a military operation. Well, they didn't say that in those own words, they actually said, "organized, longer-term response". Lame, they should call it as it is. A military operation. Yes, you are being cautious, since, laying out a coherent vision of how to stop "this cancer so that it does not spread", will have double edge sword. Why? Because if Saudi Arbia's highest religious authority, the grand mufti, calls ISIS and Al Qaeda the "enemy No. 1 of Islam" then something needs to be done. 

Doing nothing is not an option and being burned out, is not an option either. 

It's kinda weird, but I didn't feel the earthquake. I actually slept through it. I guess being deaf and being a deep sleeper, that's a benefit of missing out on a 6.0 earthquake that about 50-60 miles away from you. People are talking about an early warning system, but if that happened, how would it work for someone who's deaf/hard of hearing like me? Besides, the early warning system that we have is only good for the first 10-20 seconds before an earthquake starts. 

My question is: if you could build an early warning system for earthquakes for people who are deaf/hard of hearing, what would it look like? What would it do? 
1. “Do. Or do not. There is no try.” The Empire Strikes Back

Well, this is it. In less than a week, my summer vacation will be completely over. I'm not sure how I feel about it. For once, it felt long. Now it's time to get started on getting ready for school. Dang. And to remember what day of the week it is!
If I decided to tell a story, would you sue me? It's not like any story that you ever heard of, but it might be a story that you might as well understood why I might be sued for it. Blah. Sued? I'll tell you what? This story is by far and large, it's own story. The problem is, nobody likes a real story. Seriously, look at all the stories written by the latest writers of the 21st century. All copycats. 
The window of time does not show the purpose of life. If we were given the ability to not only foresee the future, would we still understand the purpose of the life that we were suppose to live? Or even, understand the purpose of the life that we are suppose to live. This, only you can understand and answer this question. Some believe that the window of life is small (very little) while others believe that the window of time is timeless. The window of time can be defined as the numbers of opportunities that is/are experienced in an individual lifetime. What and how you define your window of time will define how you choose how you want to live your life. 

What is in your window of time? 

It seem like the time takes more than what it should have been. My mind seems to wonder, as if, dazed by the trees that have been passing by. Trees after trees. When does a time come when time does not seem fazed by the blurriness of trees? The nimblest of my fingertips touch the glass, deep in thought. As I pull each fingertip from the cold glass, you can faintly see outlines of my fingertips. First goes my thumb, then my index finger, then the rest fazed into the window of time, spurred by the speed of a bus moving quickly through the mountains. My thought quickly faded as a slight bump into my seat by the young girl who is slightly dazed from her sleep. My dark blue eyes, straight ahead on the road, yet, as the road curves road approaches, it remains to be unforeseen to what lies ahead.
Totally had a great time. Remember your country. Remember what your father, grandfather, and great-grandfather fought for when they fought with sweat, passion and believing that what they fought for was our freedom and be able to make choices to believe that we can be better than ourselves. Please watch and enjoy this video. If you want to watch the short version, click here! Please also share with your friends and family. 4th of July is coming up and we need to show the world that we are PROUD AMERICANS!

“Haaa! Haa! Ha! It’s okay. Ooookay. Ohhhkay. Ooookay. Oh it’s okay please don’t give me that look OH Jesus Christ! Ohhh Jesus Christ. Oh please don’t fly! Oooohh mmmyyyyHey  GOOOwowBOOOIi! Don’t give me that look. Oh god he’s gonna fly. Oh god he’s gonna fly. Doin’ good. Doin’ good. No don’t fly. Dooooon’t Flyyyyy. Oooh SHIT! YESSSS, FUCK YEEEAAAHHH!"

Best reaction ever! Those eyes are amazingggg!

Randomly found on Google+ but this has got to be the cutest deaf cat ever seen! 

In about thirty days, I'll finally have about two and half month off of work off. I'll be so excited since there's some amazing stuff that I really want to work on. First, +The Silent Grapevine is starting to become successful. I cannot tell you how excited I am about the +The Silent Grapevine team. If you haven't check out +The Silent Grapevine I highly recommend that you do. The vast amount of information on the website is amazing and you will be surprised on what is going on with the deaf community. I believe that +The Silent Grapevine is the one and only newsite that writes about controversial issues that are ongoing in the deaf community. I love our mission statement that was written by our own and talented +Mary Pat Withem
The mission of The Silent Grapevine (TSG) is to serve our viewers by providing reliable, valuable, and important Deaf community oriented information in every newcast. We search for facts, dig deeper for important news, and strive to constantly add excellent staff members that are able to accurately present all sides of the story. TSG analyzes situations to enable the community to hold all parties accountable.
I also believe that people need to start coming out and to stop hiding behind the technological advances that we have made in our society and get back to meeting face to face to talk about tough issues that will need to be thought out intelligently to make sure that we are leaving our future children in good hands. These issues need to be talked about. These issues need to be balanced. These issues need to be fully understood within the future implications for our children in the future. 

Technology has always and will always move at a faster pace and even so today, it will be nearly impossible to keep up.  Can you believe fifty years ago, during the civil rights movement, that movement that also helped paved the way for the ADA if they had the technology we have today, how further they might have gone? 

I am happy to be living in this age. An age where tolerance for each other has been at a much higher standard than before. An age where we can respect people of all races, of all sexuality, of all ideas, and be able to bond for the common good for everyone in the world. 

Thus, I ask you this. What are you ideas? What are your hopes and dreams for the deaf community? Ten years from now? Twenty years from now? An hundred years from now? 

Yes. The time to ask these questions is now.