I can cook RICE!


For the longest time, I swear I didn't know how to cook rice. Well, now, I got it down ;-) I put too much salt my first time...

I'm not worried, I have the rest of my lifetime to perfect the art of cooking rice. No more of using the fast microwavable rice bowls. I can now cook and make my own specialty. Dates are gonna be extremely impressed and it's gonna be fun having friends over to cook for. I should of paid more attention to how my mother cooks, but you know how it is, the kitchen is her domain. Her domain = her space. You needed to get permission to go into the kitchen. She only had one rule: You can look, but you cannot touch/taste the food. If you were caught, you had a nice red marking of a slotted spoon! I think I should take up cooking school sometime. Or even better, maybe ask my own mother to teach me our family secrets. I swear, for every penny I own, I'd be a millionaire if my mother decided to publish a cookbook.

There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and, after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. ~Logan Pearsall Smith

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