Not for Sale: A Movie Review

My DNA is totally not for sale. I have to admit that this video scares the h%$ out of me. (Note: the language is necessary to express how I think and feel about the subject) However, I notice something usual. It seems that most people is willing to allow that plants, animals, trees, and antibiotic to be patent, but they wouldn't allow their own body to be patent. It seems to be the opposite of the Three Musketeers "All for one and one for all" logic. Rather, it seems to be saying, "All for one, but count me out on this one". I believe that finding out the DNA of plants, animals and humans is fine, but to own certain DNA and being able to patent them...that's a big NO NO. 

Seriously, some people believe that it was just fine for medical companies to go to another country, find a "curable" plant, and then take it back to the US and then patent it and then sell it back to the country that they found it from. I totally disagree with that. I think that either the country that habitat the plant has all the rights or at least shared right with the patent country. (Quite frankly, I'm still against shared rights, but that's better than nothing from the perspective of the poor country where they found the plant). Some fear that soon antibiotic resistance could jump from GMF to bacteria in the gut. I agree that this is bound to happen, yet, I think it shouldn't have happened in the first place. Now, we're fighting a bacteria that was man made by humans rather than a bacteria that was developed by nature. (Yet, it's not all that dissimilar to each other either) You just hope that in the end, that we were able to survive what we have created.

Watch movie trailer below: 

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