Looking up while underwater.


While I am recovering from being sick for a day, I wanted to start the day by sharing with you a extremely interesting view of what an artist thought of what people might see when they look up while underwater in a swimming pool.

It's freaky and awesome at the same time!

Argentinian artist Leandro Erlich created this installation, simply called The Swimming Pool, for The 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa, Japan. A 10cm layer of water over a piece of glass separates above from below. It must be a pretty serious piece of glass; some back-of-the-envelope math based on the published dimensions gives 1,100 kg (2400 lbs) of water that it has to support. Plus its own weight. [via Dude Craft]

Here's a website I think you'll like: Make: Online : Simulated swimming pool with room inside

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