"Extreme Home Makeover." needs your help!

As I wrote earlier about Extreme Home Makeover will be coming to Salem to help restore the Oregon School for the Deaf. I received an email saying that they are need of help of extra hands!

September 12, 2010    08:00 am
Bill Baker

SALEM, OR -- A Bend company has a 30 person crew in Salem this weekend helping with the latest ABC TV show, "Extreme Home Makeover."

The Spectrum Building and Restoration crew left for Salem late last week to help restore the Oregon School for the Deaf. According to a news release from Rich Duncan Construction, the public is invited to come out on Monday, September 13 for the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition "Reveal Day" also known as the "Move That Bus" moment at the Oregon School for the Deaf. The reveal of the dorm is scheduled to occur between 12 and 2pm and the reveal of the haunted house is scheduled to occur between 7 and 9pm.

Producers are excited about having two reveals in the same day and are asking for special help from the public. Please join in the spirit of the build and come prepared to welcome home the students from the Oregon School for the Deaf. To make the festivities even more "ghoulish", the public is asked to dress in costume as ghosts, ghouls and goblins for the haunted house reveal as the producers are looking for volunteer extras for filming.

Every year, the Oregon School for the Deaf operates the Nightmare Factory as their major fundraiser. The Nightmare Factory was part of the Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Salem build project. The Ohio based company, Scare Factory, donated over $100,000 of labor and materials to redo the haunted house.

Famed horror director and musician Rob Zombie will be working on a special project in the haunted house to be unveiled during the reveal. Zombie's credits include directing the movies "Halloween," "House of a 1,000 Corpses," and "The Devil's Rejects". Public parking for spectators is located at the Oregon State Fairgrounds in the south parking lot. Shuttles will begin running at 8am and go through completion. Please no dogs, bicycles or skateboards.

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  1. I wish I was there cuz I graduate there in 1984 and now live 1,300 miles away! OH WELL!

  2. The old saying goes that you can always be there in spirit!

  3. I wish my workplace would care to bother and do some upgrades to make it more disability friendly. Still seems like that the real big organization need constant reminding of their duties towards people!!


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