Looking for Guest Writers/Vbloggers…


I am looking for guest writers/Vbloggers for my site. I would like to feature a guest writer/Vblogger once or twice a week. I will link back to your own site (if you have one) and give a brief description of your site and you.

You can write about anything. From what your favorite applications that you love using on your iPhone to the amazing trip that you took in Maui. I am looking for volunteer writers to publish commentaries and opinion pieces on various subject(s).  This is perfect for those that likes to blog about current events or whatever comes to mind. I believe that this is an excellent way to stay sharp with your writing skills or practice writing.

Just remember that I try to steer clear of posts that have the following: hate crimes, sex, cursing, religion, politics, and scams.

If your interested please e-mail me at youngthomsen (at) gmail (dot) com.

For Vbloggers: I require a transcript of what is being said, so that both hearing and deaf/hard of hearing audience can understand what is being said.

In the "subject" line write "Guest writer/Vblogger".
In the body, please tell me what you want to write about or send the full article (or full video). After I read/view it and it does not contain any thing illegal (as described above) then I will let you know I accept the post and will let you know when I plan on posting it.

You do NOT have to be a pro writer/Vblogger. Be yourself and be honest.

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I do not pre-moderate any comments and welcome all kinds of thoughts- supportive, dissenting, critical or otherwise.

I will not delete or censor comments unless they have content that:

is abusive
is off-topic
contains ad-hominem attacks
promotes hate of any kind
uses excessively foul language
is blatantly spam

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If you find that your comment isn’t immediately showing up, it may have been erroneously flagged as spam. Please email me at youngthomsen(@)gmail(dot)com to follow up on the status of your comment if it hasn’t shown up after 24 hours and I will do my best to sort it out.