Day 55: DeafTel

I recently stubbled across a new company called Deaftel. As of the moment, they have not released their product, which, is a iOS app that will use cutting edge technology instead of relay operators. This kind of technology is extremely interesting. I'm curious how it will work and how people who are deaf/hard of hearing will react knowing that they will bypass relay operators and talk straight to whoever they prefer to chat with.

The product is coming soon, but they do not appear to have a date when they will release the product.

According to their website, Deaftel will
"use technology that converts a hearing persons voice into text during a phone call. Deaf Tel users can read and respond to the text message with their keyboard. We then convert the Deaf Tel user's message into speech and play that for the hearing person."
This product will be availabe in the United States, UK and Canada only. I have requested more information about their product and their company and I'm waiting for their response. In the meantime, feel free to check them out!

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1 comment:

  1. Really its very good post.knowledge sharing is the optimum result of knowledge gaining.


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