Day 53: The Bus Stop

Last week, I took a week long class on how to teach Adobe product to students from a middle-high school grade that was sponsored by What does this mean? Well, I got taught how to teach digital multimedia for high school level for a year long curriculum. For free.

Yup, for free. And the knowledge that I got, will, without a doubt, take me a long way.

Last Friday, my group and I went out to film to make a one minute film so that we could learn how to film and then how to edit within a three hour time span. I will say, not enough time! We did edit our video, but since the video was edited at a lab, we were not able to save the work to use for later. Since we did most of the filming using my iPad 2, I decided to try to use the iMovie on my iPad 2 to come out with a different film and decided it would be fun to make a trailer instead of an actual film.

I can say that I had fun making this trailer all from my iPad 2! It is abit cheesy, but hey, not bad for a first trailer, eh?

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