What Simon Says about Google Adwords Express

Understanding Google Adwords Express is a lot like trying to play the game Simon Says. Google Adwords Express really does not have many rules to play by, yet, if you don't abide by their rules, well, you pay a steep price. I first tried out Google Adwords Express about three months ago when I started a new website called The Silent Grapevine. I wanted to maximize The Silent Grapevine exposure in the local area that I lived in, but I didn't really want to go into the sophistication of Google Adwords itself. 

Simon Says that you need to have a phone number. Great. I just wanted to promote my website/blog but they needed a phone number? Fine. So far, I haven't gotten any callers. If I did, well, I would get a temporary number until I figure out if it was worth my time and my money to get a business number. I'm just a start-up... a little flexibility would be nice. 

Simon Says you should have a minimum. What? Right. I wanted to do $20 bucks of lifetime budget to see what could get without overspending my impressions for my ads on Google Adwords Express, but what did I find out? You need a minimum of $50. Fine. Do what you gotta do. I'm just gonna pause my campaign here and there just to make sure I don't go over my budget. 

Simon Says Google Page is not eligible. What? We already provided you with a business address for the first ad, so why again do I need to provide an address for a Google Page? You seriously want my IP address? Wait? You already have that! How come celebrities don't have to verify their address for their page? What do I think? I've already established email, a long list of followers, and a zest for information. Say you need more? 

Simon Says are you really worth the money? Not really. I started Google Adwords Express and had 43,050 views of my promotion and only got 8 clicks! I suck at math, but it doesn't take a no-brainer to figure out that I'm not getting the bang for the buck! Either I'm doing a horrible job on Google Adwords Express or Google is doing a horrible job getting the clicks that I paid for. 

Simon Says am I wrong? If I am. Prove it. 

Share your secrets on how I can be successful with Google Adwords Express! 

About Thomsen Young
Thomsen Young is the writer of this blog that has no name... .You can follow him +Thomsen Young or via Twitter @yadudesup.  You can also follow him this blog via Facebook.

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