Only the most ridiculous parts of this story are true.

A review: Last night, I decided to go on Netflix and watch something I've never seen before. Most of the time, I love watching classic movies or action movies whenever I'm in the mood to watch movies. I guess you can say it's my way of relaxing. Some people need a smoke, some people need to workout, some people read books...for me, it's watching movies. Nevertheless, I decided I needed to go outside my comfy bubble and watch a movie that 1) I've never seen before 2) that had at least four stars 3) a new director that I had never heard of before.

I'll tell you. It wasn't easy finding one on Netflix. There's so many good choices and there's so many obvious choices as well. Yet, I don't really dig true stories sometimes since they can be way over melodramatic for me. Some can be just way too much in true story "oh feel so good" that just doesn't ring it for me.


I found one that had no gibs, no fake melodramatic theme, and it really was based on a true story. Plus, it made me laugh!

The Hunting Party

This movie was made in 2007. I, myself, was surprised that I had not heard about this movie. I know that 2007 was a busy year for me. I just graduated from RIT and started my internship with the New York State Assembly. So, in a word or two: no time.

There's so many great parts in this movie...from the beginning "Only the most ridiculous parts of this story are true." to well see below: 
Benjamin: We are journalists! We can't do this. It is unethical... and insane.
Simon: It would be a pleasure to personally catch him.
Benjamin: By ourselves. By ourselves. We don't even have any weapons.
Simon: If I gave you a gun, would you know how to use it?
Benjamin: No.
Simon: Then what the fuck are you complaining about?
Duck: I told you. The moment you start drinking that Bosnian brandy, the devil's sitting in the corner, just laughing.
I was surprised mostly by Richard Gene acting. I mean, I've always seen him play the romantic. The man that women love to charm them. I really think that this movie pushed Richard Gene in a role that pushed him outside his comfort zone in acting. To play a journalist, even worse, a war journalist, who becomes a drunk after everything he's experienced to coming back on top by hunting down the most wanted man in the world at the time. Just classic. 

The second surprise was the role of Benjamin played by Jesse Eisenberg. Totally an unexpected cast selection, but quite brilliant for this movie. He made the movie have a CIA but not really CIA feel to the movie. I mean, he's just a kid that graduated from Harvard, but then again, who knows who the CIA recruits nowadays ;-) 
Duck: You know, when you think about it, the whole thing is fucking ridiculous.
Simon: Why? I could very well be CIA.
Duck: You can't even spell CIA.
Simon: Every fucking CIA guy I know looks exactly like *me*.
Duck: Yeah, only better-looking.
Benjamin: Well, they certainly do not look like me.
Simon: And that is the genius of it! Of course, the CIA would have someone who doesn't *look* CIA! That's exactly what they would do.
I highly recommend this movie. 8 out 10. See it for yourself and feel free to comment! 

About Thomsen Young
Thomsen Young is the writer of this blog that has no name... .You can follow him +Thomsen Young or via Twitter @yadudesup.  You can also follow him this blog via Facebook.

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