CVS and Old Men's Glasses


As I mentioned in the last post, I'm having trouble seeing with my blurry eyes. The problem is not as bad as before. Some days, my eyes are blurry. Some days, my eyes are just fine. Funny though.

Today, I decided to do something that I have never thought of doing. While at CVS, I decided, well, why the hell not to try on some reading glasses. So, I go to the pharmacy area and find the section that has reading glasses. The first, +2.50, was too strong for me. So, I try on the +1.00 and those were too light. Just like the three bears, the third one was perfect. +1.50. Yet, when I turned over the glasses to see the price. Well, I immediately put them back on the rack! $24.99 for a lame pair of reading glasses! Holy smokes! Good thing I'm still very young! I think I'm gonna wing it out until my next vision check or until I"m 98 years old! 

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