What's the longest commute you would consider?



Why does it take a f****** long time for me to travel to San Fransisco, CA to Portland, Oregon? 22 f******* hours. Pardon my French, but don't we live in the 21st century? I want a high speed train that is worth the cost and the time that I paid for. Why is it that I can fly halfway across the world to Austrilia at the price Amtrak ask for a 700 mile trip? It just retarded. If I was the Office of the Secretary of the US Department of Transportation, I would shut down Amtrak. I would start up from the ground up and develop a high speed train system in the United States.

I think Amtrak should go. It is simply not worth the cost of what we spend to keep it alive. Yes, it is part of our national heritage, but it's time for Amtrak to retire. The technology is outdated. The tracks are out of shape and the steel needs to be updated. Seriously. Hopefully, President Obama is doing exactly that. Maybe not the way I want him to, but he's doing something about it. I just hope that stimulus money does not go to waste since the success of a whole new way of transportation will, and can, change the United States.

Amtrak needs to go.

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  1. No matter if Amtrak stays or goes, the situation is the same as Americans are not Europeans. They rather have cheap, efficient and effective car for mobilization.

    If you start a new company, you would need to ask the government and most politicians there are not willing to assist you with sufficient cash for start up.

    Technology itself is not the problem but the mind of Americans.

  2. A fan has recommended this link, check it out: You may enjoy this: Amtrak Sucks


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