San Francisco Jewish Film Festival: Movie on Deaf Jew in 1930s Germany

If any of you are in San Fransico today, then I highly recommend for you to check out the San Francisco Jewish Film Festival especially a special film called Ingelore. Here's the synopsis of the film:

2009 | USA | Color | 40 min
English, German, Sign Language, w/Eng. Subtitles

Wed, July 28 2010, 1:15pm
Castro Theatre
Free Admission
Wheelchair accessible

Frank Stiefel’s portrait of his mother is both a loving tribute and a remarkable feat of compressed storytelling. As a deaf Jew in 1930s Germany, Ingelore Herz Honigstein was an outcast twice over. She narrates the harrowing events leading up to her immigration to America in speech and sign, revisiting past experiences with a startling degree of emotional clarity. Whether recounting small facts of life or pivotal moments like seeing New York for the first time, Ingelore’s expressivity is mesmerizing. Stiefel’s integration of archival footage and recreations, meanwhile, provides a potent visual context for his mother’s testimony.—Max Goldberg

Frank Stiefel

Brett Froomer

Ting Poo

Principal Cast
Don Franzen, Delaney Miner, Hanna Schwamborn

Sponsored by
The Laszlo N. Tauber Family Foundation

Free matinees are generously supported by
The Bernard Osher Jewish Philanthropies Foundation

Disability, Family Relationships, Holocaust & World War II, Mothers and Sons, Women

All questions, comments, concerns and suggestions should be directed to:
Owen Levin, Administrative Director
Tel: 415.621.0556 ext 306
Email: olevin [at] sfjff [dot] org

To Castro Theater by public transportation:
Muni K, L, M, F Market Street
Bus Lines 33, 35, 37 and 24
BART to Civic Center. F-Line streetcar to the corner of Sanchez and Market. Church and Market is also a major Muni stop: the N, M, L and J lines all stop at the Church Street Station.

FYI, it will show again on:
Wed, August 4 2010, 2:15pm
The Roda Theatre (at Berkeley Repertory Theatre)
Free Admission
Wheelchair accessible

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