Day 64: Guest Post Wanted

A good friend of mine suggested yesterday that I should ask friends or my followers if they wanted to write a post on my blog. I did this last year, but I only had one person write a guest post. So, I'm gonna try again this year to ask you, my friends and followers if you would like to write a post on my blog?

If you do, please shoot me an email (my contact information is at the top), if you have trouble with that, click on this link.

If you're still unsure if you want to write a post on my blog, here's some great reasons:

  1. A way to make new friends and followers. 
  2. Great way to work on your writing. 
  3. An opportunity to create new discussion on a wide variety of subjects. 
  4. Build relationships. 
  5. I get over 500 hits a day and growing! (this blog is growing at a fast speed!) 
My only requirement if you want to write a post on my blog is that the content is PG-13 and if you have a blog, I need a link to your blog so I can refer my readers to your blog! 

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