Day 65: An Interview with Alex and his Dad.


I first met Alex via by Twitter on the 14th of February of this year. It's interesting what kind of people new technologies such as Twitter can bring into our lives. We keep in touch and still keep in touch via by Last week, one of my twitter followers mention that Alex was having the first ever Internet Sign and Dine using Google Hangout. I twitted to him that I would not be able to be involved in that (as much as I would have love to, but had a prior engagement), however, I would love to do an after-interview to see how the Google Hangout went and to find out more about their show, Sign and Dine. 

Who originally came up with the idea for an Internet’s Deaf Dad hangout?

I did (Alex)- I have been spearheading the Dine & Sign idea and trying to rally a Deaf/ASL minded culture around the technological advancements to build an audience and showcase great people and work in front of this niche audience who is not really represented on the Internet.

How many people showed up to your hangout?

The Hangout was a great trial of a lot of moving pieces. We had 1 great person show up G5, and it made me smile to see my Dad signing across the web to someone speaking his native tongue. I believe we had 5 other viewers checking us out from YouTube due to it being Live. The pieces of marketing, hosting, and connecting across a plethora of social media platforms was no easy task.. and then to run and host the show! It certainly was a trial in multi-tasking for me :) I'd love to take what I learned here and do another one in the future.

What was the most interesting conversations you had during your hangout?

Research into my focus of developing a piece of technology that will change the way the Deaf Consume media.

Where did the Dine and Sign Internet TV Show come from? 

After spending some great times with my dad watching Football, I started to recognize some great father-son conversations that I hoped other people my age were having, except I had a twist to them- He was Deaf. I felt this could be spotlighted for the Internet and we were off and running.

What do you try to do to make this show fun and easy to watch?

I spend a lot of time narrowing in on one idea - the Internet audience sure is a fickle beast! Attention spans are short and I don't have much time. It's quite the creative challenge.

For Alex: what your relationship like with your father?

I believe to have a strong relationship with my father. He is very supportive and understanding. Willing to take some crazy risks. I have to remind myself of my great position to even attempt some of these world changing ideas.

For the father: what’s your relationship like with your son?

He never stops impressing me. His knowledge of technology and the Internet is very important, and I am proud he is always learning.

For each other: what gets on both of your nerves?

Lack of understanding.

For each other: what episode has been your favorite so far?

We each loved the Christmas Episode. It has the perfect mix of heartmelting conversation and cheesy appeal.

For each other: Do you have any hobbies outside of this show? 

Dad: I love computers and Cars. Alex: I love to game, but have been away from it while trying to pursue professional success.

Where does the filming take place? In your home?

Ha. Yes! We made a small corner our studio for filming. We'd love to scale up production value and get more people and equipment involved, but that will come with time, interest, and resources! It's a crazy time to be a 'filmmaker'. Anything is possible!

What is the purpose of the Indi Go Go fundraiser?

I wanted to test the strength of my audience and to produce more resource-depended work like short films. Also, having some media attention on a Deaf/ASL focused project was my goal of raising awareness for these causes.

What’s with the American Flag behind your father?

Dad is VERY patriotic.

Both of you die hard Red Sox fans?

Boston sports is almost a requirement in New England. Alex doesn't really follow it - in fact, there's some episodes about baseball and each of our perspective. Dad root, root, roots for the home team, that's for sure.

What’s with the old Mac in the background? What’s the story behind that?

Ha. Dad LOVES his technology, I thought it would be a bit poetic to highlight some technology that was world-changing and to realize what we were doing to showcase it- I mean... not every CODA is creating a weekly Series with his Dad.. that's really flippin' cool, and it's all thanks to the accomplishments of our past.

Do you always have this conversation during breakfast?

Does it look like breakfast? Maybe it's the mugs. I just LOVE those mugs. Usually it's whatever meal we have while filming. I think most of the time it IS a breakfast-y thing. Dad is best in the morning with coffee ;)

What’s up with the walking bomb?

Heh. I LOVE how the little things I put in are noticed - guess it's hard not notice with a Deaf audience! It's a Bob-omb from Mario Brothers! I love giving a little wink to video games. Since the Internet is run by gamers :P

What’s with DeafNation not allowing beer?

I dunno! What gives! 

Do you always have the same breakfast?


Deaf SEALS is pretty creative. What’s with the obsession of military?

I was surprised to learn that my Dad really wanted/wants to be a part of the military! It's his patriotic nature, and willingness to do the 'dirty work' like wash dishes in order to help the troops. His willingness to do honest labor is something I've kept close to my heart.

Some days are good. When people choose to put you down because of ASL skill or who you are or what you’ve become? What do you say to them?

I've never been put down, in fact, people are amazed by ASL.. which was a reason to create the show. Allow people a look into the mystical world they've only watched from afar.

What is the Facebook F? ? Our awesome page, that's what.

Why the Dunkin Donuts coffee cup?

Local town favorites! Ha. I used to work there back in High School... simpler days, I guess.

What can we expect from the Summer movies?

If everything goes according to plan. Some awesome short films that I'd love to sweat over and use as a calling card for more film projects. It's no easy task being a new media mogul!

In this episode, what made it so special? Especially hanging out on father’s day? What is your goal with Sign and Dine?

I thought it was poetic to have the hangout on Father's day... Just for a bit. The Internet needs a Deaf Dad and I hope my Dad's crazy pearls of wisdom resonate with a lot of people. My goal of Dine & Sign would be to amass an audience who is curious about my work and help raise Deaf and ASL awareness. I really am focused on developing larger films and am hoping this is the vehicle to prove my capability as a creator.

What are deaf issues that we still need to talk about? Literacy? Deaf rights? Deaf education?

I think the Deaf culture needs a modernizing movement. There are a lot of people trying to gain awareness for this small subsection of our culture, but I'd like to take one step further and utilize developed technology to assist this niche culture. There's no reason why in 2012 Closed Captioning isn't abundant, or even more so, why a new way of communicating with the Deaf isn't available! From Google Glasses to Siri, I am working on connecting with the right people to develop a truly revolutionary and visionary assisted living device that is so good, it'd be a question of why it didn't already exist! There's a lot of patchwork problem solving, and I think the answer is to ignore the half-baked solutions and create something that may have seemed like a dream. We're on the cusp of a technological renaissance if we're not already in it. What can you dream up?

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