Day 50: Quick Update on Sixth Sense

Another long day! Again, I had to drive back today from Brookings, Oregon to SF, CA. This time, I took alittle extra time to stop in one of towns that I used to visit when I was growing up as a kid. That town is smacked in the middle of the infamous 101 road in California: Eureka.

I stopped in Old Town Eureka aka Downtown Eureka for those of you who have no idea what that is :-) I was starving like a stray cat and needed some really good food on the go. And no, fast food isn't gonna cut it. As a kid, I loved fast food, but now as an adult, in his early 30s, is a whole new ballgame. Simply put, fast food grosses me out!

Bon Boniere.

As you can see, the history is written on the floor. Do I need to say more?

As I waited for my order, I peered out their window and this is what I saw.

Then I saw some candy eye!

Looks really good eh? As for the update for Sixth Sense, I gotten about fifteen responses.

I think that's pretty good, but I'd love to get at least fifty! If I'm able to get that number, then I will have a more reliable number to use and will be able to write my post! :-)

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