March Update!


The Silent Grapevine was founded on January 6th, 2013, by Thomsen Young. He currently has a personal blog called, well, it has no name. Since it's founding, by January 21, 2013, The Silent Grapevine had amassed over 8,000 page views in fifteen days. To give you a perspective on this, my other blog, yes, the one with no name, took me two years to get that many page views. The numbers are astounding! Thirty days later, Feb 6th, 2013, a month after The Silent Grapevine was founded, we had amassed over 24,790 pageviews! =) It is now March 7, 2013, the official two month anniversary of the The Silent Grapevine. we are  proud to say that we now have amassed over 58,000 pageviews!

We have made some awesome changes to this blog/website lately. First, we introduced The Silent Interview. This has been an instant hit! We have interviewed eight amazing, unique individuals who are making an impact in the deaf community! Check out their interviews! You will be amazed of what you will learn and discover about these awesome people! Next, we introduced The Silent Grapevine Weekly. This is a video segment in which we use animation to summarize the weekly news of the week! It's fun! Interesting, short and to the point! With close caption too! And lastly, we introduced a feature that allows simple navigation of The Silent Grapevine using your iPad and iPhone for a user-friendly experience! We think it's pretty awesome and you should check it out!

Lastly, we wouldn't have been here without you, my fans. We want to thank you for your support and the best way you can support The Silent Grapevine is to spread the word, check out The Silent Grapevine store or you can make a donation below. We are going to do what we always have been doing: dream big and even bigger into the future and we would love for you to join us and The Silent Grapevine the #1 latest entertainment news, scandals, fashion, hairstyles, pictures, and videos from a world that is silent.

If you're interested in sponsoring or advertising on The Silent Grapevine please click here


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