If one's desires is lust

A good friend of mine thought that I should share my poems on my blog, so here goes...

If one's desires is lust
Shouldn't it be with luck?
When the eye meets the heavens
It as one cannot foresee...

As the aroma of her scent passes me
The slight skip of my heart concedes
Her skin smooth as silk
Oh, forgive me, since my heart is filled with guilt.

The reflection of her in the mirror
Her eyes glaze with perfection so clear
My tongue slowly licks my sun-dried lips
Awaiting for that most tender kiss.

On top of the stone cold concrete
A slight chilly breeze presses upon our faces
Her tender heart struggle to prevent an offbeat
Does she seek a wet kiss or an simple embrace?

My fingertips gently soothe her auburn hair behind her ear
Wide green eyes glaze slowly eclipse
In moments like these, every heart trembles in fear
Yet, with an sense of adrenaline, eyes closes tastes her strawberry lips. 

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