Day 58: A Sick and Lazy Day.

Today, I did not feel well. I woke up feeling nauseous and groggy.

You already figured it out: I stayed in my bed.

I guess missing one day of class won't hurt since I still got two more days of classes and the classes aren't graded nor am I getting credits for the class.

However, I still wanted to be a good student and decided to watch all of the video examples that the instructors gave us on our first day of class. I took both DVD out and played them on my big screen television. You know, sometimes knowledge comes from unexpected places. Watching these kids (middle-high school students) videos was just...awesome. Inspiring. I gotta say, I learned tons just from watching their videos. From pollution to domestic violence to what it means between being a good student and a not so good student.

Maybe later, I'll post my top 5 favorite videos that I really enjoyed that you might really enjoy :-)

I'm buzzing out. I need my rest. Peace.

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